Hi DBA-Mates, Topic: Backup Apps Tier using gtar command in R12
We would like to share this command because sometimes
we got confused while taking backup for Apps Tier in real time scenario.
The confusion is that current APPS directory should not
get zipped, really many times such situation came with our junior.
So, I thought lets prepare a document and share with
them as well as you all here.
So, hope this may useful and helpful for future references.
One more thing should be noted that, we can take
backups for apps tier when the services are up & running.
So, please don't get confused with it, especially for
Backup can taken in two ways either screen or nohup command. Both are used for backend
running process.
How to use screen command:
1. screen -ls ## it will give output for list of screen
which earlier people has used.
2. screen -l ## this command is used to start new screen,
once you type the this command it means you are in New screen where you can
perform your activities.
3. Ctrl+a+d ##
Always use this command to exit from current screen i.e. Press together
Ctrl,a,d otherwise your screen will terminated/closed.
4. screen -r screen_name
## this command is used for re-attached old screen, screen_name you can get
from screen -ls command.
Note: Before using old screen_name , make sure there
should not be running old command or scripts.
If you want to use nohup command then:
nohup < your command for backup > &
Now, let's see the command:
Syntax: $gtar -czvf
</path/backup_filename_date.tar.gz> <directory which you want to be
$gtar -czvf /u01/backup/apps_12June2018.tar.gz apps
/u01/backup/apps_12June2018.tar.gz -- file backup for
apps -- we want backup for this directory.
applmgr@ora-data:/u01/ebs->ps -ef|grep gtar
applmgr 7366
6943 1 23:56:42 pts/15 0:37 gtar -czvf /u01/backup/apps_12June2018.tar.gz
applmgr 7996
9516 1 00:00:43 pts/6 0:03 gtar -czvf /u01/backup/inst_12June2018.tar.gz
applmgr 8007 21175
0 00:00:59 pts/1 0:00 grep
SCP command syntax with example:
scp user@host:/<source file path> <destination
path> ## running on destination host
oracle@host:/u01/PROD/backup/PROD_20170719_1105702_1_FULL ./
Note: It will ask for
password, please provide username's password like oracle user.
Some more important Points:
Oracle Deadlocks
Some more important Points:
Oracle Deadlocks