Sunday, 4 March 2018

Oracle Apps Interviews Technical Questions and Answers by MNC Companies

Hi DBA-mates,
We are back again with some important Questions which may useful and helpful for any interviews.
I got these Questions from a friend, so I thought to share and it might useful here for all.
Actually, these questions are not for Oracle Apps DBA. These questions are looks like for Oracle DBA (Core).

1. Introduced yourself and your role.

2. How to disable archive log:
Ans. The method for disabling archive log mode described above is the only way to disable archive log mode.

Shutdown edit pfile / spfile (spfile when instance is up of course) to say log_archive_start = false.

startup mount

alter database noarchivelog;

alter database open;

Remember that once you disable archive log mode you need to take a fresh backup once archive log mode is turned back on.

3. RMAN Configuration:

rman>show all ;                                                 ## to check all the configuration.

RMAN> configure controlfile autobackup on;    # for on and off
RMAN> configure backup optimization off;

4. How to check database alert log path?
If database if UP and Running:
SQL> show parameters dump

Or SELECT * FROM v$daig_info;

If database is down:
Or you can check as from ps –ef|grep tns then follow the paths…
i.e go till oracle_home (oracle version)
then $ORACEL_HOME/admin/SID_Hostname/diag/rdbms/sid/SID/trace

ls –l alert*

5. How to check Table log? (i.e. Logging and Nologging concepts) # not sure

6. How to check blocking session?
$ cat block.sql
select sid "Session id ", decode(Block,1, 'Blocking Session','Waiting Session') Details, ctime  "Blocking Time /Waiting time",id2 from v$lock where (block <> 0 or request <>0 ) and ctime > 200 order by id2,Details;

SQL> desc v$lock
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 ADDR                                               RAW(8)
 KADDR                                              RAW(8)
 SID                                                NUMBER
 TYPE                                               VARCHAR2(2)
 ID1                                                NUMBER
 ID2                                                NUMBER
 LMODE                                              NUMBER
 REQUEST                                            NUMBER
 CTIME                                              NUMBER
 BLOCK                                              NUMBER


7. How to do expdp and impdp details and concepts.


8. How to Apply Database Patches.

9. How to Apply Apps patches apply.

