Thursday, 28 December 2017


6.  How does ADADMIN know which form files to regenerate?

How does adadmin know which forms files to regenerate?
With Release 11 adadmin, how does it determine which forms files need to be regenerated when using the Generate Forms Files option?

During the form generation process, adadmin and adaimgr (in this case adadmin) read a file named <prod>file.drv to build a list of objects to generate. 

For example if you are looking at the AZ module forms, there will be a file
called azfile.drv. This file is located in $PROD_TOP/admin/driver.
In your example this is $AZ_TOP/admin/driver.

NOTE - If a product not installed, adpatch does not regenerate forms for that
       product at all

You can test this by putting a dummy form name under entries for formsdev
and forms. This dummy form will be displayed when prompted to select forms for generation via adadmin.

How is this list of files in <prod>file.drv maintained?
Any patches that install a new form or remove an existing form will
contain an appropriately updated version of <prod>file.drv.

A wrapper script that calls In earlier versions of AutoConfig adconfig.cmd used to call the Java API to start AutoConfig.

AutoConfig Scripts:
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin

Log file created:
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/<CONTEXT_NAME>/<MMDDhhmm>/adconfig.log
Merges multiple patches into a single merged patch.
You can merge multiple patches into a single patch by using AD Merge Patch.
This AD utility is an executable located in AD_TOP/bin that merges multiple
AutoPatch compatible patches into a single, integrated patch. Once the merge is
complete, you use AutoPatch to apply the resulting patch in a single operation.
Using a merged patch reduces the time it takes to complete the patching process.
The command for merging patches is admrgpch.

AD Merge Patch reads the c<patchnum>.drv, d<patchnum>.drv, and g<patchnum>.drv
for each patch in the source directory and merges them to create a single set
of driver files (for example, cmerge99.drv, dmerge99.drv, and gmerge99.drv) in
the destination directory. It also merges the set of files contained in the
individual patches under the source directory according to file revision and
copies them to the destination directory. If a file exists in more than one
source patch, only the highest revision of the file is copied to the
destination directory.

Complete these steps:
1. Review the readme files carefully.
   Some patch readme files contain special instructions for applying merged
   patches. The patch may also require manual steps.
2. Create directories.
   In the patch top area, create a source directory and a destination directory.
   Choose any name for these directories.
3. Unzip patches.
   Copy all the patches to be merged into the source directory and unzip them.
4. Run AD Merge Patch.
   Run AD Merge Patch and supply the arguments for the destination directory
   name and the source directory name. You also need to specify the merged patch
   name, or accept the default.
5. Check AD Merge Patch log files.
   After AD Merge Patch runs, check the admrgpch.log file for errors. The file
   is located in the current working directory (where AD Merge Patch was run).
6. Run the merged patch.
   Once a merged patch is created, apply it just like a single patch.

AD Merge Patch cannot merge patches of different releases, different parallel
modes, or different platforms. However, it can merge patches for a specific
platform with a generic patch, or patches with different source character sets.
AD Merge Patch notifies you if you try to merge incompatible patches.

For example :
$ admrgpch /d01/patches/source /d01/patches/destination -merged_name mergedpatch

Where, mergedpatch is the name of the merged patch.

Thanks & Regards,
ora-data Team.

AD Utilities for Oracle Apps DBA

Dear DBA-Mates,
Again came back with some important stuff, which is very important for every DBA. As, I was busy with some Upgrade project. So, was not able to write and meet here you all.
I am writing these in hurry, If there is any corrections please let us know. And I have good News for you all, I have collected a very very IMP Questions for Interviews which we will be publish very shortly.
For Example:
What to do if Concurrent Program is Running Long?
What to do if Secondary is not syncing from Primary in DR?

I have many more Questions but because lack of time, I am not able to provide you all the Questions and Answers. But promise I will do very soon.
If you need only Questions , please let me know.

1.  What are AD Utilities?
2.  What is AutoPatch (or adpatch)?
3.  What is AD Administration (or adadmin)?
4.  What is AD Controller (or adctrl)?
5.  What is AD Relink (or adrelink)?
6.  How does ADADMIN know which form files to regenerate?

1.  What are AD Utilities?
AD Utilities are a group of tools designed to install, upgrade,
maintain, and patch a specific set of products contained in a
given release of Oracle Applications.

2.  What is AutoPatch (or adpatch)?
AutoPatch (adpatch) is a utility that is used to apply
individual patches, mini-packs, or maintenance packs to an
existing Oracle Applications instance.

For more details as per real time scenario, please check below:

3.  What is AD Administration (or adadmin)?
AD Administration (adadmin) performs maintenance tasks on an
installed Oracle Applications system to ensure that it runs
smoothly.  The tasks performed with this utility fall into
two categories: database and file system. 

1.   Generate Applications Files menu

2. Maintain Applications Files menu

3. Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu

4. Maintain Applications Database Entities menu

5. Change Maintenance Mode

6. Exit AD Administration

4.  What is AD Controller (or adctrl)?
AD Controller (or adctrl) is used in conjunction with other
AD Utilities (such as AutoInstall/AutoUpgrade, adadmin or
adpatch) to determine the status of workers and restart failed
Manages parallel workers in AD Administration and AutoPatch.

Note: There is 8th hidden option to skip the workers.

5.  What is AD Relink (or adrelink)?
AD Relink (or adrelink) allows you to relink Oracle Applications
executable programs with the Oracle Server product libraries.
You can run the adrelink utility manually to relink individual
executable programs, or use the relink option in the AD
Administration utility to relink all executable programs.

Administration doesn’t relink AD executable.

For Example:
To relink adpatch, adsplice and adadmin: force=y “ad adpatch” “ad adsplice” “ad adadmin”

To relink all AD executables: force=y “ad all”

Thanks & Regards,
ora-data Team